I’ve had many jobs in my life. Usually two at once. Sometimes even three. It’s been helpful to always be moonlighting at all my jobs, because it offered cover for me doing my real work. That’s because I don’t like recognition for my real work, that is, until I do.
As a woman, my real work is raising energy into form. Or, this could also be expressed as bringing spirit into matter. Then growing it. This means children, art, ideas, businesses, and communities, among other things. If you are a woman, you know exactly what I mean.
Now as I get older, my real work includes understanding the mechanisms of consciousness, the movement from nothingness to form, the reality of reality1, and love.
Yet I live in a patriarchal, consumerist society, and many beings depend on me, so I often feel pressured to make “money” with a proper job. I kind of have to, just to eat and take stuff like yoga classes to keep me sane. Restaurants, event management, webdesigner, artist, life coach, jewelry maker, trainer, designer, consultant, writer, and so on… always more than one, sometimes working quietly for other organizations so I could hide my real work: learn, love, and make things.
I’ve been so lucky to earn enough money at all of these ‘moonlit’ gigs to get the bills paid, but I’m tired. And, if I’m not getting paid to learn, I feel like I’m screwing up somehow. I serve others best when my mind is engaged along with my heart. I learn so I can help, and teach. So, now I’m asking That which usually does help me, to help me once again to earn a deeply supportive living while learning how to live an extraordinary, ordinary life in service of others.
I know specifically what this looks like to me (but won’t bore you with my lifestyle preferences). Yet it often involves hiding behind pseudonyms, talking only to folks who can (and want to) hear truth, moving the world politic toward equity, and loving people and our planet.
Hey, if you think you’d like to get paid to learn, or care to pay me to learn (and thereby teach & serve), send me a message sometime. What a crazy, arrogant thing to ask, right? But is it really? Think hard lovely moms, grandmoms, and other creatives: you’ve been making & moving the world for a long time, yet the game’s been rigged because of this silly thing called money. Perhaps it’s time to spread a little around to those you appreciate. Here’s how you can support one woman (me), by subscribing to my new page on Substack.
Many thanks in advance. Voluntary, donation-based support is THE BEST!
- This pile of Carl Sagan quotes (and substack that put them up) are good for quickly illustrating what I mean by the reality of reality: ↩︎