Get a reading of sorts at bottom of this page.

Randomness is the name,
and divination is the game.
~Playing The Fool1
I just added a Random Post WordPress Plugin to my website and it’s enabling me to do something I’ve wanted to explore for a while now. So below is an experiment I’m conducting, how and why I set it up, and an assertion about the way the world works. I’m interested in your experience with this tool, so feel free to share your insights any time.
Truth-telling tools
Practical methods of divination have been around for a very long, long time. Astrology, reading tea leaves, tarot decks, crystals, I Ching, oracle cards, and the like. And what do they all have in common? The underlying understanding that what is above is below; what is within, is also without; and that what is inside is outside. And that all is interconnected, and because of this interconnectedness, tools of divination can help us see and understand that which perhaps feels buried in confusion.
Tools like tarot decks are meant to visually show activated energies within the situation, so that understanding can be reached by the one asking for clarity. The symbolic imagery in The Fool card above, for example, holds many clues to its potential meaning, but ultimately, the asker needs to settle on what the card means to them right now in regards their situation.

The asker (perhaps with support of a skilled reader), is the one who sees, connects concepts and decides upon the truth of the reading. The tool does not do the heavy lifting, your mind does.
Randomness: a way for meaning to get made
I’ve often wondered if mechanical or code-based randomizers could achieve the same result and provide the same kind of insight for us. I think they can, if the resulting ‘answers’ include some mystery in either imagery, language or lots of room for interpretation. For example, if the random answer is complicated (like a poem or piece of art), there are more opportunities for the viewer to make meaning, than would something super simple like the word “yes” or “no.”
I also subscribe to the notion that while something like code can produce random results, nothing is ever truly outside of our natural experience: we are still interacting with it, and it’s in our world. With this understanding, meaning can – and will– be formed inside a person’s awareness if there’s an intention to find it.
What’s up with this, what’s up with you?
Feel free to give this little randomizer a whirl for insight about something on your mind. There are enough posts on this website to make different ‘answers’ for at least 300 clicks, especially if you scroll through your result. Some posts may seem too personal to my life, so please click again.
Fortunately, most posts utilize language in unusual ways, or are visually layered, or try to weave disparate topics into a larger, helpful truth. Nearly all posts have something to do with philosophy and the search for truth. So test your skills at creative interpretation, and please let me know if you find anything helpful to you. Peace and thank you.
Random Reading
- I’d like to think instead of being scrappy and bearded, that I’m simply the star of my own story (as are you!). “In many esoteric systems of tarot card interpretation, the Fool is interpreted as the protagonist of a story, and the Major Arcana are the path the Fool takes through the great mysteries of life.” From the Wikipedia Entry about this particular Fool. ↩︎