I need to make this quick, and I’m going for the British spelling to captivate your interest. I’ve got shopping to do and laundry, maybe even can get out for errands before dinner time arrives. This is because I’m an ordinary person who has been trying pretty hard to approach1 things correctly. Like not looking crazy in my town, by doing ‘kind of shoddy’ work, art, and home-making so I look normal too. Doing it too well, you know, makes you Martha Stewart…. and she’s one of a kind.
My instagram story is about “yellow” and Lychee seeds are red and prickly, but I’m shamelessly cross-promoting.
Past Post Reprise: Burning Bridge to Now Here
I told you a ways back about burning bridges lighting my way, and also meeting with a lovely indigenous healer woman who wiped part of my psyche clean in a most incredible way. She also gave me three seeds from her backyard tree – a lychee tree. She said they offered “protection” and I believe her.
I call this phone photo, “Venus of Willendorf.” If you are an art historian, you’ll know why she’s important.
Finally, THE STORY (sorry so much preamble, perhaps I need some editing support)
Grandmother Esperanza, the hope-restoring healer brought to town by a coach/artist/photographer2 also taught me to walk barefoot outside each day, and shared how to approach trees ‘the right way.’ So this day, I approached a tree barefoot all gentle style– to do my spiritual homework ‘perfectly.’ I didn’t want to sneak up on the tree or otherwise be a dirtball, so I asked with gentle whispers ‘can I touch you?’ I kind of imagined it was okay, and then dove right in with a hug. I was pretty sure I was doing it right, when I looked up.
Lo and behold. The tree was a stump. No canopy, no crown, just a 12′ stump in front of me. I hadn’t noticed because up so high. I had a good chuckle at my seriousness, thanked the forest, and carried on more lightly.
I still hope to be of service on this front, with my writing and web-weaving art, carrying on with lightheartedness and humor. Honestly, my spiritual journey has been a “hum dinger” for about a year now, so a little levity is in order. Lighthearted people do kind things for others, says this3 amazing teacher, and I’m giving it a go.
Annnnd, the reality check part
BTW, a lychee tree is a type of evergreen. My mother in law’s old house had one out front, which I always admired, but had no idea what it was until I looked it up. It’s a VERY cool looking tree when seeds are on it. Big red balls, kind of appropriate for Christmas time.
The house is for sale on zillow, but I’m not getting any kind of ‘affiliate payment’ for this. Just a story to tell. The house is NOT in good shape At. All. “Lipstick on a pig” was perhaps the house flippers approach? But you can buy it if you like. My MIL had a squirrel infestation, which was the final straw for her to bolt out of there.
- Soon there will be (I hope) a post on Terms of Endearment (TOE). I’ve got a draft stored of some words I’m contemplating these days and how they have meanings for me in addition to the standard dictionary, and I still have to finish it. I also mentioned Approach would be explored in my last post on Deep Impact, so here is. ↩︎
- .Robyn Ivy. ↩︎
- Ven Pomnyun Sunim ↩︎