I have always loved libraries. Actually, take that back. I used to be afraid of libraries, but now I love them. Growing up on a small island, I was lucky enough to have the local library walking distance of my house. My mom raised me to carry my own water, ahem, library card when I was little. I loved checking out books, reading books, but couldn’t really get my act together to return them on time.
At the time, libraries charged daily fines, maybe a nickle, for each day you were late. At one point, I became 10 days late for two books, the shame I felt prohibited me from going back into the building. I was afraid to talk to anyone about it, because a particular librarian had given me “the look” and scolded me while I read books from the stacks. I was hiding out from the front desk, lest they know how badly I was indebted to them. I was barred from taking books home, and ashamed and attracted all at once to the wide array of ideas available to everyone.
Fast forward to my early days of professional web design. Another (lovely) librarian running a bed and breakfast called me: could I do a website for her? I did, and then launching a career, did another one for the library consortium for the whole state. Then a website for another library, then another. I felt proud that I could help make all the plugged in services and information presented in a way that people could access them from anywhere. And, I finally felt forgiven by the institution. I didn’t charge much and gave all my love to every single one of these projects.
Fast forward to my kids in elementary school: my favorite parent activity by far was volunteering in the elementary school’s library. I loved shelving books, and encouraging the kids’ interests by telling them every book they got was “such a great choice!” If they were late returning, I’d print a little slip and let them know it was okay, they could come anytime to read what they want.
Fast forward to today. I still love libraries, and if there were an institution I could protect above all others, it would be libraries and literacy. Libraries have saved me, forgiven me, and I now I’d like to give something back. At least I hope I can.
Which institutions matter most to you? What can you do to protect them?