I stole this post, screenshots of my own images, and public research project back from my IG account, where the winners of original physical art will be sought and named. Help a sister out and let’s have some fun with this low res, ‘crap art resurrection project.
Shadow career resurfaces and re-ravels using new tools and old ways1
I’m trying to find the owner of this work titled “Grid No.9.” It is approximately 24” square. This piece was purchased at a gallery in New York City called The Emerging Collector, run by a lovely Parisian woman named Cristina around 1994, 1995.
Here’s the story: this piece sold from a group show. Then many months later, at my solo show, I met the collector. He asked me to repair a bit of unraveled wire on one of the squares. I denied him by wild stare and refusal to join him and his friends for dinner.
I would now like to repair this work. Even if it has completely unraveled, I would like to remake it anew and gift it back to the owner.
This search is an experiment in long-term value, in late “fixes,” in customer service, curation, and the lasting impact of collecting art. It also (perhaps) a testament to the power of the Internet as a medium of truly organic search.
Art-winning contest permissions below, or just enjoy the satisfaction of being involved if you don’t want art shipped to you (or prefer digital art).
To help locate “Grid No 9”, you have my express permission to screen-shot any part of this post and share my search message any way you like. Poor quality images are important. Please don’t ask for “high res.” Please don’t use AI, or it will likely backfire on you. Sorry for colloquialism, but seriously, if you misrepresent the art, I’ll know it.
The LAST two people in the chain who put the owner in touch with me via IGDM (Instagram Direct Message) will also get an original, custom-made piece of art: Medium TBD.
Ready • Set • Go
🔴🌕🟢 and Thank You
The title of this in-process piece of conceptual art is “Grid No. Ten” because if it makes it to me, then back to the collector repaired, the 10th square will be the frame that contains the completed piece. 📞 Creative sharing techniques are most welcome.
image by my old NFT art-making self, cropped
- Graphic Design, Digital Systems Design, and UX design are sometimes shadow careers. ↩︎
Sub-foot note pop culture reference: I just saw this freaking awesome movie that inspired me to copy this piece from Instagram EMWe_Art to my blog, which I call “cross-pollination.” Watching this movie with my husband may perhaps save my marriage as I change careers: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11563598/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk. Yeah, ‘Blank’ artists may absorb – and then challenge – the people who project onto them. This includes their fans. The artist has more than one direct tie-in to Grid No. 9, but only those who participate in project will find out what that connection is.