not alphabetized, of course.
Mommess (or mom mess, or momness)
Not to be confused with Momness, mommess is a state that could (operative word) be similar to that of “goddess,” or “competent and artful, graceful stay-at-home mother-type,” or simply Mom=mess. Most likely wishing to be all of the above good stuff, and not achieving it – with an emphasis on the mess.
The state of removing oneself from an addiction to drama. Characterized by boredom, and discontent with electronic devices and the news. See New Words for the End
Non-specified Spiritual Experience or Non-specified Spiritual Awakening. Along the lines of NDE (Near Death Experience), this kind of experience is personal, internal, profound, and usually happens when a person is going through a transformational experience. Sometimes it’s described as being “born again,” sometimes it is diagnosed as “mental illness” or called a “nervous breakdown.” These experiences are typically initiated by sleeplessness, hallucinogens, great loss, disillusionment/betrayal, a religious experience, a cult-like power-broker trying to gain a following, a guru, a disruption, or deep spiritual seeking. Here, I’m referring to a NSSE as a “thing onto itself,” but making no value judgements on which kind is better or worse, or even what someone should do after having one: that is up to the experiencer.
Who I’d like to be: Philosopher and Artist. Yet without the high brow tone or wrinkled nose that comes from having an inappropriate phart sound built right into a fancy-sounding word. Basically, myself doing the things I love in a way that makes me laugh, and still means something.
Editorialized information. The opposite of a simple presentation of facts, files or words.
n. Pundit-tries: tidbits of information that were conceived or derived by a pundit.
Grand Frugali
This has not yet been introduced here, but in short is a title for someone who can live on a very meager (or non-existent) budget. Also known as my brother.
MO Overdrive (MOO)
This is Modus Operandi on auto-pilot. It could also be thought of as a conditioned way of doing things done repeatedly, even in an inappropriate situation. In my early working life in restaurants, ‘helpful’ customer service and fixing other people’s problems while thanking them for the privilege to do so was how I made a living. So, I trained myself to “always be helpful” because it literally put food on my table. This is not a useful way of being as a professional, or even as a community member or friend. Sometimes a “no,” or even a “you can fix your own problem” is a better response. It’s can be more deeply helpful to a person than just serving (read “pleasing”) them non-stop. And if you are tired, you MUST be aware of your MO, because any MO in overdrive can be dangerous for a person’s well being.
Literary Mother
This is the kind of mother that inspires great art in their children, be it writing, screenplays, music or visual art, but not necessarily because the mother is a muse. This is more like “Mother as someone eccentric.” I’m a little afraid to be this, I also think about it too much. See all the best writer’s memoirs.
Ask T about this one. T coined the term when 3 years old and climbing up into their stroller in the living room, for a special kind of quiet time…
“Mundane – activities” shortened. Think the little daily things you do repeatedly that maybe you don’t think much about: morning coffee, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, driving people around, etc.
Spinal Tap
No, not an epidural, even though moms talk about this kind of thing a lot. This is a “silly pop culture reference,” and one of my favorite Thanksgiving rituals of all time (the watching of, not the getting of Spinal Tap). If you don’t know Tap, you just don’t know mud flaps.
This term is related to the concept of “boundaries,” but the opposite. If you are creative, but not mindful or collaborative about it, the fruits of your creativity can sprawl in many directions, and so can the returns. If you create systems, and others adopt them, then you’ve pushed your creative energy out even further until it takes on a life of it’s own.
Doosey, Doosies
Anything notable with a negative tinge. “That visit was a doosey” could mean the visit was loud, confusing, unexpected, a pain in the ass, or all of the above.
Still in play
This is a generic term that can be used to discuss anything from world politics to tossing out a pair of your five year old’s favorite socks. Means: not yet settled, could go any which way, so watch the factors (and players) before drawing a conclusion or taking action.
Short-handing, or shorthanding
This term exists in the urban dictionary as one who “usually types messages with many fragments and errors, and no punctuation either. As in, Idiot: hey guyz wat up.” When a brain short-hands, it often completes the process of understanding at the first adjective or emotional charge, OR compiles various subjects and experiences into tidy mental boxes, without allowing for the unfolding or natural observation to develop understanding over time. As in, “been there, seen that, done.”
Hot mess
A mom mess’s idea of fun or special attainment. This would mean actually being wildly sexually appealing, while being a confusing mess. Usually this state is unattainable, but for a few moments with kind friends who will say anything to make you feel better. As in the statement (while helping you clean the wine and cheese sauce off your sweater), “you are a hot mess, dear Elizabeth, and don’t let anyone tell you you are just a mess.” Thank goodness for good drunk friends.
Words from my daughter that get more “likes” on facebook than any of my status updates. #tasslenisms can be found here too.
Like a computation, but with erroneous results and amputation of reason.