You are in the hospital, intubated after your 5th attempt, and I still have yet share this truth with you. I hope it helps you know yourself and find
Black Hat Bots & Mad Gratitude
I have 15 minutes to write this. Black Hat Part Some hack-bot came through this website and inserted viagra ads into some of my paragraphs. It's not
The US Constitution says I don’t have to sacrifice my life in any way to anyone who cannot live without my contribution. No one does. No person
Testimony 2019
This was originally written as testimony to RI state legislature to help pass the Reproductive Health Care Act in RI in 2019l codifying RI's citizens
Thank-yous Overdue
Dear Madeline and Phyllis, I owe each of you a huge thank you. As a woman in business, I realize nearly every day how you both influenced me, and