A few times in my life, I discovered a tool so powerful, that it's use alone was enough to reach a goal. From about 15 on, all I've really wanted
passive income / passive outcomes
If you are like me and have many interests, maybe sometimes you go "all in" one on project, then drift off a bit toward the next thing, rinse and
please for my birthday, mr. president
I'm asking for only one thing: please start acting like a winner. A good one. Good winners are fair to their opponents. Good winners are kind to
Getting all up in my business
I find myself thinking more and more about what it really means to be a parent in a culture that holds business values in higher regard than the
Activity vs. Achievement
Like many parents of small children, I reside in a swirl of constant and chaotic activity. Think, "mom, look at this potion I just made with your new
Walking between the worlds
If you are a woman who has faced depression or even discontent, perhaps you know what it means to walk between two worlds. One world is the literal,
I've been wanting to write about this topic for a long time, but felt as if I couldn't shed "enough" light on the idea to be of value, especially