If you are a woman who has faced depression or even discontent, perhaps you know what it means to walk between two worlds. One world is the literal, rational, mundane world we’ve all come to accept in our culture as the “important” world. This world could be characterized as masculine, work and power-oriented; and values ability, achievement, material success and all things countable. It is a necessary and good world, because this is the world where babies are born, chocolate cookies are made and oriental rugs are woven. It is also the world of medicines, machines and deadlines. But there is also another world, one of dreams, myths, stories and surprises that sweep you into wildly inappropriate emotion for reasons you could never (or would) ever articulate. This world may be characterized as “feminine,” and includes; mysterious connections, deep family roots, murky dark moments where truths are deeply understood, confusing feelings, and all the lesser-known deities of old, like the archetypes in the Greek myths, who dance upon and develop the underbelly of your life. The stories written in this world often remain untold, but sometimes burble up into your awareness by a great piece of art, or movies that makes you cry. This world is not one of counting, but it counts.