This is a Terms of Endearment (TOE) post. These are words that keep coming up that I find myself re-defining for my own relief, amusement, and insight.

Axe + Scepter + Ants
It only takes a moment to get unstuck
At every major stuck point in my life, when I really, really wanted things to change, I found the greatest catalyst to move me forward was not some powerful tool, some amazing thought, a serendipitous connection, or even an opportunity. Every time, easy change occurred shortly after I had a single, true moment accepting “the problem” exactly as it is right now: acceptance. Then the wheels would get moving.
For example, at 35, I was tired of repeat long-distance dating and felt frustrated with my love life. I had been doing “everything’ to be the kind of person who would attract an amazing partner. No such luck and a long line of turkeys trotted through my parlor, making me further dismayed for wasting sweet time. Then, one day, I decided to accept, 1000% accept, being single for the rest of my life. To enjoy this feeling, revel in every last little bit of it, and to wish for nothing different than what was.
The joy that overcame me, the peace in my soul from accepting the present moment exactly as it was, was a revelation.
From that place, I signed up for surfing lessons, had a whole bunch of wholesome and unwholesome fun, and within 2 weeks, met my husband in kind of a goofy – and totally perfect – way. And I was able to relax about the whole process.
I could give many other examples, but isn’t love life fodder some of the best?
Wield an Axe of decision. Carry a scepter of self-reliance. Ants, well, that’s just because there are lots of little actions you’ll DO once you feel acceptance. The loveliness is, it will be easier to do those things because you’ll feel different. And lots of little ants, well, they’ll carry you onward to better things.