How work with the most basic building blocks in order to elevate your communication.
I’ve always seen the alphabet as a beautiful grouping of shapes and fascinating set of symbols from which we communicate amongst ourselves. And fascinated how this grouping of shapes, when combined in a myriad of ways, serve as a tool to move mountains, build empires, and bring enlightenment or hope to the folks who wield them well.

Because of this, I find doing creative projects with the alphabet is an excellent way to ‘go back to basics’ and consciously create a strong platform from which you can launch your next best expression of self.
Example One: ‘Nursery’ School
Before my first child was born I thought often about how a person first learns command of the language, and how this sets their relationship with the world, and hones their skills in navigating their unique self expression. So, in order to help the incoming munchkin on her way to think for herself, I treated the baby’s room more as an art project with a non-standard treatment of something she’s surely see a gazillon times in her life – the alphabet.
I covered her sizable sliding door in shapes and colors with a wild alphabet painted freehand. Each letter was rendered with loads of longer lines and placed in unexpected ways. I also included the numbers zero1 through ten and many mathematical symbols. Characters were mostly placed to be read up to down, instead of left to right (unlike 99% of every other presentation of the alphabet she’d see in her lifetime), and not in a tidy grid either. My hope was as she grew up, she might ask herself why letters follow a certain order at different times, and question how meaning is created and derived.
Did it work?
The verdict is out on my kid, but I can say my daughter loves language, reads a ton, is articulate and an excellent writer. I’d love to take credit, but mostly, I’d love to suggest that shifting the way you experience communication, and the way you relate to the alphabet, gives you more authority over the meaning you wish to make in this world.
Example Two: launching toward next-level literacy
As evidenced by this sprawling digital work, I love to write. I’d also love for more people to read what’s here and perhaps even discuss and implement the best ideas herein. I am ready to usher in a career where my creativity serves ideals, not commerce per se. And in order to do so, I felt I needed to accelerate my progress by reigniting my love of language. So, in the past few weeks, I’ve commenced a little experiment in revisiting, recapturing & remaking my relationships with the alphabet, critical symbols, and language.
Since an earlier creative phase of my life was interrupted by crisis, I thought it might be wise to revisit my younger self, and walk consciously through old creative haunts. So I did, I revisited old creative haunts and new spaces alike, with my creative gaze alight. I revisited one-by-one, my relationship with symbols, colors, and words, and made new ones where needed. Also, given my 30 year hiatus from functioning primarily as my artist self, I mindfully picked up the pieces dropped back then, and – in an accelerated way– carried them forth into the present day. This is my way of doubling down on the fundamentals in order to experience e a quantum leap in creative communication.
So, how about a creative walkabout?
My plan included having my body in motion: I walked the streets of my old apartments, galleries, and hang outs, while “taking back” the energy I had left behind. I visited museums for inspiration, and decided to chase and represent the alphabet in a fun new way for me. On Instagram I posted digital sketches of each letter, made only when the energy called me, and later this little recap. The whole thing focused my mind, and honestly, has been a joyous experience.
I can’t fully explain how powerful this exercise was for me. Each letter’s image or concept was felt deep in my soul, like I owned it for the first time. My body received the meaning, and my love of language grew exponentially. For first time, I also feel like I can communicate with my ‘higher self ‘plainly with no obfuscation. There are many applications for people going through personal and professional change to embark on a journey like this. And it doesn’t need to take long or be complicated, or necessarily even need be done in a place other than exactly where you are.
Coaching for unique-to-you alphabet adventures
What’s more fundamental in societal communication than the alphabet? It is literally the foundation of every word you know and every idea you speak. At the moment, I hope you enjoy exploring the ideas in this post, and perhaps even start your own alphabet adventure. If you’d like some support with designing a unique and transformative plan that can help you in better translating the space between yourself and others, let me know, and we can discuss making a special re-investment in the alphabet or alphabet adventure for you.
I charge coaching fees2 for intentional and creative work of this kind. At the time of publication, I can support 2 -3 select clients to design and move with brilliant and authentic communication into their boldest and most beautiful future selves. This is a great gift writers, creative artists, designers, leaders and engineers can give themselves. Contact me by email to discuss if working together is right for you:
- Why oh why do people usually skip the number zero? ↩︎
- In a previous life, I was a trained life coach and member of the International Coaching Federation. My coach training was completed at Coach U, and I worked in the field for many years, coaching executives and creative people from all over the world. What I’ve learned in the years since providing entrepreneurs and business owners with organizational support along with strategic marketing support, is that coaching is a skill set that does not leave a person, whether they hang the shingle out or not.
My coaching fees are based on “container rates,” meaning, we’d set up a length of time for me to support you in your goals (3 month or 6 month containers) and we’d have designated 60 minute sessions once/week plus email & VM check-ins. Costs range from $6000 for 3 months to $11,000 for 6 months. Serious inquires only please: ↩︎