Hi O!
You are four now, and not one for lengthy or deep conversations, but there are so many things I want to say to you, so I’ll write them now. It’s almost Mothers Day, and in an hour or so, I’ll go to your preschool and have muffins while you sing happy songs. I can’t wait!
You are so easy-going, so lovable, so cuddly and charming. You have many friends and admirers and can count me as your biggest fan. Sometimes I fear life has already been unfair to you, and I hope that you don’t let that EVER get you down. Life is sometimes that way, and even though I doubt that will deeply bother you, I still want to address it. Because you matter to me. A LOT (as your dad would say).
I think when someone is as adaptable, amicable and fun as you, that people say to themselves, “oh he’ll be fine no matter what.” And this is true. You have a unique ability to get along in all situations, stepping back just enough to figure out what is going on, and participating just enough to be welcomed back again and again. Yet, you are also second born. And because of this, somethings will perhaps never be quite as fair as for the first born. I can only hope that they will still be wonderful, for you, and that you always choose to find the happier side of life. You deserve it.
When your sister was born, your grandparents were pretty sure she’d be an only child. See, your dad and I were already older and I guess no one expected we’d have more kids. Your grandpa gave a generous gift to your sister for college, and that was really kind of him (you know our whole family values education).
After you came along, he couldn’t do the same for you, and I think he feels badly about that. But he feels delighted by you and wishes he still had tons to give.
Second-borns usually have a little less attention than first-borns, and sometimes the resources are spread a little thinner too. But second-borns always have company of other kids, and ways to learn from watching (not just doing) that olders do not. You have thrived as a second-born, and you are a fabulously kind little brother. You are silly, funny, and can succeed in any situation. I think as you get older, you will be the kind of person who can “dine with kings and peasants,” and be equally at home with both. I think this is because you are comfortable with yourself, you have a kind soul and I think you’ll always treat all people well. I hope so.
I hope you feel the love your dad and I have for you, and that you feel safe, strong, secure and natural in this world. You are a boy of it! One day, men like you will have great charge of this place. Your love of your sister and women and animals will make you the best among all men. Your light nature and smart mind will make you effective wherever you land.
Odin, I love you with the widest, warmest smile and cuddles from head to toe. You are a beaming bright ray of light, even at night. A supernova! I love you forever and you can always feel that love. Just cuddle up with your soul and remember.
I Love You,