I wonder the purpose of shame. In this internet-serviced world, shamings are “done” to public figures routinely. What is interesting to me, is how so many of these folks regain their balance, sometimes even heartily standing out front during the process and recovery. This has not been my style, as dollops of inner-dealt shame simply slay me, quiet and silence and privately spin me off-kilter. I am more like my five year old, who buries her face and quietly squeals from behind her hands, refusing to speak for hours, because she pushed her brother by accident. She doesn’t need to do that, just to do things differently. I hide my imbalances too, and then– I fall down. Hard. Shame is a complicated and difficult emotion, that puts some into motion, and some into free fall. I wonder if when we uncover our eyes, we regain our ability to walk gracefully again.