Because cancel culture is the most humane, lenient way to deal with people who break the rules, and I’m all for leniency, as long as it’s fair.
And the GOP is, strategically, railing against the thing that is actually their greatest friend. And that’s the cultural divide, which is also growing greater by the minute… hear me out. They know what they are doing. And the impeachment trial is one huge maneuver happening in real time.
Cancelling someone typically refers to firing, or no longer granting “visibility treats” to someone who does or says the wrong, but not necessarily illegal, thing. Today’s example is the actress Gina Carano from Mandalorian, who after spouting racist and dumbass rhetoric from her social media accounts lost her future work in a spin-off series (or any future work) with Lucas Film. This is a beautifully simple definition of “cancel culture.”

However, Ms. Carano can still speak her mind (no 1st amendment problem), carry on with other jobs that will have her (the good ones probably won’t), and walk and act freely (no jail.) This is unpleasant for her, but is a natural consequence of her anti-social, “uncultured,” and ignorant words.
In America, we like to “coach” people in the direction of enlightenment, or at least away from pariah-hood. In the days before lucrative contracts, unlimited economic power, and supremely plum jobs, people who did or said “bad sh!t” used to be publicly ridiculed, stockaded, or maybe even run out of town, in addition to losing their jobs and status. Some even went to debtor’s prison, and we know many were burnt at the stake… *
Today, for many white GOP elites, only deflation of their status, or removal of future rewards, appear to remain firmly in place as cultural coaching, and the GOP is working hard to make sure that you believe that this “cancelling” is as bad as it gets. They are angrier about unfavorable (liberal) media coverage than about the death penalty, but only for themselves. They are used to skirting legal issues, then complaining about not being invited to Hollywood parties. This is the actual way of the white elitist.
Remember the Kavanaugh hearings? A good ole white guy who spoke openly about being black out drunk, and faced credible testimony against him for illegal behavior, was being treated by the GOP as if he were the victim. Poor little country club judge Brett, a victim! But during his confirmation hearings, what was he really facing? Merely not being granted a lifetime job of privilege. He was NOT facing jail, or criminal prosecution, or even getting muzzled from speaking and groping his blacked out mind moving forward. He would be free to do that regardless of the hearings, just without the biggest rewards for failing up spectacularly.
Annnndddd, the GOP Senators prevailed, and Brett got confirmed anyway. And the bar of what “acceptable” was lowered again, and suitable consequences were dropped again, but only for this special subset of folks: I’ll call them the GOP elites.

Now, a man who was our president (and coincidentally obsessed with ratings, media-showmanship and follower numbers) is getting “tried” to lose his government leadership privilege after clearly and repeatedly inciting a riotous bunch of his “special” followers who he “loves” to nearly assassinate dozens of key government officials.
He’s NOT being tried in a court of law with imprisonment at stake, or for restitution to the victim’s families. He’s not facing stockades, tarring and feathering or even financial ruin. He’s simply being subject to the cultural (and Constitutional) court that calls an ass an ass and cancels him.
And again, the GOP is deadly afraid you’ll continue to realize that firing someone (which is fundamentally, all that impeachment is), is the most egregious punishment that ever was, and therefore only to be done with greatest care and prudence. How dare we take away a (white) man’s (great) job?? How horrible a fate, how unAmerican, they say. His words mean nothing, but your cancelling him means everything.
I want for you to consider these three things:
- Does the GOP also extend the same “anti-cancel culture” job and lifestyle protection to democrats, women and people of color?
- If 19th century township punishments for asshole-hood were being doled out today, what response would Trump’s actions generate?
- What does the lowering of the bar mean for consequences for the GOP moving forward?
So, the next time you hear Fox News or Trump’s whiny family complain about “cancel culture,” perhaps the most appropriate response can be: count yourself lucky that’s all you are subject to, because you deserve so much more than this.
*I know, I know, burning at the stake done to squelch women with power and autonomy, a huge topic. But a topic also not in opposition to this one. The point being, punishment used to be much more corporeal, and has shifted (thankfully) toward more rational, appropriate consequences. With the notable exception of very powerful and rich white guys… who seem to be moving the bar toward total impunity.