Every election a bunch of intellectuals and statisticians get famous for predicting an election correctly. They have reasoned arguments, loads of data and a feel for how to interpret the stuff. Then they get asked for the next cycle what they think. This is cool, and it’s pretty much how we do most things. It’s very rational…
Me, I just have the feel. And because I find my intuition a useful way to navigate life and decision-making, I’m going to toss a prediction out there. There is no purposeful vagueness, nor specialized data to support it, just a straight up intuitive read, illuminated by a dream. I woke with this dream the day before the election, but am posting it today. I feel calm about this election. And I didn’t in 2016 despite everyone’s predictions. Things already look good for Joe 2 days post-election, so this is not such a huge leap as far as predictions go, but very few souls read this blog anyway, so what the hey!
I had a dream just before the election, about spotting a quirky flying bird with evergreen branches sticking off it in odd spots and a funny shape. I couldn’t figure out what it was, and I spotted it in the upper branches of a tree moving awkwardly between them, but always landing just out of clear sight. I couldn’t begin to imagine what it was at first and couldn’t wait to find out. It’s movements were delightful. It wasn’t until it landed in a grassy stretch just on the side of the road that I got a good look at it and noticed it was a beagle, with some garland, and many evergreen sprigs sticking out from its adornments in a few spots. A flying beagle. This beagle could fly and walk and was good-spirited. I, and several other people, knew we needed to guard it when it landed so not get run over on road. We knew it was special. We knew it did not necessarily know the road. So we did and I woke up.
Here is my prediction :
Biden wins electoral college and popular vote, by a hair.
Trump’s legal shenanigans slows down recounts in several key states. His legal filings are both nonsensical, and at times in opposition to each other. They are all awkward. None of these attempts will ultimately succeed in repressing minority/democrat mail-in ballot count as they intend to do.
All recounts that get done confirm Biden key win. IE, they do not change the final result of each district/state. All ballots are counted.
Then, everything resolves around December 20 when Trump concedes (finally) with a “noble” speech about being good for the country to move on. His handlers likely write it, maybe some senators too.
{Cynical addition: He still slips in a reference to the fact that he really wants to golf in Florida for most of the winter “so it’s good for me, right?!”}
We get Biden. 45’s people calm down. Christmas.
We just have to keep Biden safe and rested and calm through this process. It’s a longer road to his win then it should be, and he and his transition team will be held up from getting stuff done to a great extent. They may even be sabotaged. But, most Americans will be glad, others quietly resigned to a Biden presidency. After all, when given a choice, most people will choose the “good” parent over the bad, but only if they perceive that they have no choice.
As a country we are extricating ourselves from a dysfunctional, abusive “parent” of our nation. Those who voted for 45 this year, perhaps felt they had to be loyal because that’s what you do when you feel stuck in a dysfunctional relationship: be loyal. It’s all you’ve got.
Yet once the narcissistic offender is completely removed, and a replacement emerges, these same dependent-minded people will — on the most part—accept their fate. Biden appears to have “good parent” energy for sure. Many who opposed his election will quietly even be glad for it.
A flying beagle. Biden-eagle. Our nation’s new bird in a way… loyal and true.