I’m mourning today
To the tune of Mitch McConnell.
No matter how sincere,
No matter how intelligent,
No matter how dispassionate,
No matter how believable, no matter how pure in motive, no matter the grace…
No matter the truth
It doesn’t matter.
They say: Minorities shall remain as such. All benefits and opportunities shall be perceived as such
Given, not earned, Given by the ones who do matter!
That guy, he did wrong. Sort of. But,
It’s okay. He can help maintain the closing of borders, the opening of women’s
private lives, for sport. Control by us, It’s for the best.
We’ll be cruel too, because it keeps you all in line.
It’s for your own good. We know. We do stuff. And we are supposed to. Your memories are wrong. Your work is worthless.
Calmly stating the obvious means you’ll get accused of being a “mob” that throws mud. Like an animal. Okay?
I am a mob. I know things from centuries
That our modern lives need modern rules
That a thirst for tolerance, a trust in adults acting as such. Is safe. Is good.
Of fairness for all. Of respect for women
Of live and let live.
Uh oh! but that’s so different
Than regimes.
That kill people, that scare people. Cruel regimes.
There aren’t any compassionate ones. I can’t remember…
I’m tired.
My mob fights for generations for the right to be seen, the rights of personhood, of saying peace, of action, of safety.
The fight just hit the final round.
I’m mourning as I clean my house.
What a fucking spectacle.