There is something adults are supposed to do best. We are supposed to take responsibility for ourselves and others, and make well-thought decisions to support the greater good.
If an adult refuses to put on the mantle of understanding others, and does not do everything in his power to live as civilly as possible, he cannot serve anything but his own immediate interests. Still worse, this kind of regressed person, if rewarded with power, threatens our next generation’s ability to act in tandem, fairness or even simple tolerance, because he is training the next generation not to grow up.
A self-as-the-center world view is appropriate in toddlers as they differentiate themselves from others. Yet when this world view exists in adults, it disturbs the greater good by denying the very existence of a greater good. This kind of bold denial of understood fact is a strategic “trump card” some use to confuse and excite the masses– but it is dangerous to our cherished American way of living when used against our most helpful, healthy core principals.
As adults we know we are responsible for our actions, and we are responsible for our collective greatness.This happens only by being first concerned with our goodness.
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