In quantum physics theory, the intention of the experimenter can determine an experiment’s outcome. In this tiny world of stuff, scientists have an understanding that intention itself —and witnessing something — can shape the results of an experiment. This is one of the reasons “double-blind” is considered a better scientific approach. But don’t we know that we are affected by our surroundings, our people, our intentions already?
I sometimes wonder, if I had no audience, no witnesses to my life, what would I do differently? What would shape my actions? If no one were watching, how would I be?
As a teenager, I was so painfully aware of what others thought of me (or what I imagined they thought), that I would sometimes become paralyzed in fear (no dancing for a girl who LOVED to dance, no talking in class for a girl who had LOTS to say, etc.). Self-consciousness at its worst. But who hasn’t been there? Now that I write and share on these funky old interwebs, I am keenly aware of this idea of “audience.” Thank goodness I have been fortunate to connect with amazing people so far.
I have often wished I could live in that witness-less state. That the things I find most important inside, would be the same things I do on the outside. But I also know, I am a work in process, connected from the inside out to nearly everything else. The bigger my world grows, the more I am affected by it, and the more I affecting it too. I’m not sure I would feel grounded without some kind of feedback, some sense of social connection, a sense of better/worse and good/bad that is generally agreed upon by others, because it affects others. I used to think these good/bad understandings were absolutes, but I have been shaken by behaviors of some who have been rewarded with great power.**
So, my little prayer for today: may I meet any audience in love. may I intend well for everyone, even those I judge as ‘wrong.’ may I act from my highest principals and stay strong in them. may my contemplation of the divine be deep and ongoing, because that affects how I understand ‘highest principals.’ may I see the good at the core of every being, and may I not shudder or deny the rough spots− they can be healed.
** Yes, I mean DT. One of the reasons I am most disenchanted (read horrified) by his behavior, is that a large swath of people are becoming desensitized to simple empirical truth. It seems like cultural understandings like “the truth shall set you free” are being dangerously dismantled or manipulated by people with intentions I would not classify as “high” or “spiritual” or even “civilized.” He seems to act from a witness-less state, with the exception of non-stop, deeply craved media feedback (which is driven by profit). Is this a good way to approach life? Is it safe?
*This is an old, but simple statement of some tenants of quantum theory as relates to intention and will by H.Stapp. There are hundreds of studies published, as well as many new-agey spins. As in all things, discernment is important.