And I don’t mean by typical, hypocritical lip service. I mean, Christians know if anyone truly accepts Christ, they are forgiven for all sins; past, present and future. This is IT. Christianity in a nutshell: safety from spiritual consequence. Eternal reckoning averted.
Thank God.
So, as with all resources, it appears some are now wielding this spiritual power as they pillage and plunder, amassing influence and wealth. Squelch the poor, harm the hurting, build the walls, protect acquisitions. What does it matter, they say? Give onto Caesar, they say. I know am safe, they say… And they are.
Other Christians who receive this grace, share it freely with others; with loving, imperfect comfort, blessed forgiveness, helpful hands, and distressing compassion. These people grow kindness, even though it is hard crop, because they know that we all need to eat. They take their safety net, and strive to be as Christ, in this world, even though they need not. They could just punch the clock until their time. It has already been done.
Thank God.
But, now we are here, thus. With takers and givers, all safely nestled in eternity, and we need a new way to gauge. As all people are equal in Christ— the saints and the sinners— the way that really counts is not the most spiritual, but actually the most mundane.
Don’t be an asshole.
This article was inspired in response to “give onto Caesar” Falwell’s recent interview.
This man is arguably fleecing his flock and spearheading efforts that harm humans and the ecology. He, like many religious leaders, have proudly proclaimed the world be ruled by Caesar, as they practice their morality “elsewhere.” I somehow wonder if Jesus, if he were asked today might say, don’t play chicken with reality. We are all in this together.