So, you don’t seem to be interested in what I have to say. And that’s natural. And that is you becoming you, so it’s fine. But your mom was born a teacher of sorts, an artist and huntress too. And I’m old enough to have learned a few things that women know, and children gain access to over time.
And I want for you to at least consider a few of these truisms now, just so you can save yourself a bit of pain, and you can grow to trust that feminine principal that is a part of your life, even if that is not the entirety of who you are. You are many things, all things, and transitioning things. You are wonderful. You are also a part of a special lineage and you have a birthright by it too. Remember where you came from, and who has brought good stuff to your family and why. It will always help you see clearly and decide well.
1. do not trust the advice of people who seek to impress you or others
2. when drinking the water, consider the source
3. being kind to others is in your own self-interest too. everyone wins
4. so is being generous with your energy and money, and engaging your most earnest listening. And it is the right thing to do.
5. if you seek “getting liked” or “likes” or “follows,” you are a pawn to larger forces of manipulation
6. if you seek your inner voice first (it’s the quiet and calm one, not the same as “impulse” which is loud and rushing), you will have easier times and gain in trustworthiness as you go.
7. you truly CAN do anything you set your mind to. The “setting of mind” is critical, so is the first few steps
8. the first baby steps toward a new endeavor count waaaay more than people let on. Sometimes all you need is a clear intention and a little baby step to make magic happen.
9. energy is real, it is sometimes mysterious, and usually hard to articulate. Watch it and notice correlations. Then don’t tell everyone what you see (or they’ll think you are nuts)
10. hunt something worthy
11. read as much as you can, even things you think you won’t like.
12. if someone who loves you and consistently acts in your self-interest says something; pay attention
13. unfortunately, predatory people do exist. Sometimes they have a side smile and glint in their eyes when they talk to you. Just be mindful what they ask for, or if they seem to need your help. That’s the tell.
14. fame has an ugly underside. Choose it only for the sake of the greater good. Don’t ever choose it for it’s own sake– that’s a trap.
15. everyone needs community. Family, churches, groups that do good in the world are great places to find it. Online is usually not.
16. if you let yourself accept that you don’t know everything, you can learn and become influential in ways that are astonishing. If you spend your energy “knowing” and “proving you know stuff,” you miss actually knowing more. Funny, but true. Curiosity and desire to improve are helpful traits to cultivate because that’s where Eureka’s are born.
17. If you want something, be sure to say it or write it plainly. People usually like to help give people what they want. And they can’t read secret wishes in a longing mind.
18. If someone you think is good is crossing your boundaries (doing something you don’t want), try gently saying “were you aware that you did/said xyz?” and give them a chance to course-correct. This is usually enough. Don’t let anyone push through a clearly articulated boundary more than once, because it means they don’t care about you or are too selfish to act in harmony with their environment: either way, it indicates someone to avoid.
19. being a peacemaker is cool, being a warrior is critical too. Each role has a time and place. Neither is always best. Knowing both is always best.
20. If you have a thought or impulse to do something kind, just do it.
21. who do you want to be when you grow up? The best part of this question is the “be” part: who do you want to be? You can be that now. It is a quality the core of the question, like “independent” or “sovreign” or “creative” or “free” or “respected” or “influential” or “comfortable” “loving” etc….. So, what qualities matter to you?
I love you pumpkin,