I am marching for all women’s sovereign right to control their own bodies. Always. Same for men.
I march for equal pay, for equal access to medical care and for the understanding that mothers, sisters and daughters are best when trusted.
I march because if anyone is treated as less than another, we all drop from the American dream. I march for the highest aspirations of my country. And I march for my immigrant brothers and sisters, people of color, and LGBT people who make up our great nation, and always have.
I march in reverence to the Native Americans, people who allowed us, and then terribly suffered from the stealing of this place. Nothing was fair or square. So, I march in honesty to them. We can never exile anyone from this land, or exploit people in this land, or disrespect nature, for it is not ours. Period.
I march to show that I understand that too many have been maligned by this administration in word and deed, and this cannot stand.
My steps and my voice are meant to be LOUD for LIBERAL values. These are the ideals of inclusion, acceptance, support, intelligence, science, education, fairness, understanding and love.
My government is meant to be a service, not a business. And not a religion.
I march to remind all of us what makes us great, and what makes us wrong. I march the difference. I march discernment.