When the Alt-right and Q followers obsess on pedophilia, its because in a very real way, it is true. The child-like minds of many Trumpians are being mentally molested by perpetrators who literally keep children in cages. See, the deeply loyal followers who parrot talking-points and game-based internet “discovery quests,” can be counted on for profit, propaganda and the virtual undoing of the very adult construct of democracy, all the while pointing fingers at the decent adults in the room.
Growing up must happen for these child-like thinkers: people who prefer an authoritarian over free elections, people who prefer a strong man over a society of equals, people who prefer to follow a convolution of pleasant lies to the simplicity of the hard truth, people who prefer living in the Upside Down of conspiracy to the lighted, grounded life on Earth. This must happen because it is nature to do so.
So where’s the light at the end of the tunnel and what’s it cost to get there?
Let’s grow up together. Let’s first help the children who need it NOW, let’s get clear in our responsibility for this fractured, bizarre situation we find ourselves in, and take responsibility for what is to come. Let’s stop the abuse, end the projection, stop defaulting to shame and blame, and act like adults as we do the hard work to fix the horrors. Time also to parent if you can.
Thank God for the #VOTE