Just what the world needs…. another mommy blog. Right. Because I work in the world of the internet (as a designer, marketer, and monetizer), I can’t help but jam in a few affiliate and pay-per-click ads (click these and I get a few cents), but make no mistake, this website’s primary intention is actually therapeutic. Think “the truth shall set you free,” and “journaling.” I figure if I can be honest with myself, write something of value, and somehow touch upon things YOU know to be true, there will be readers in time.
Because I’m also experimenting with the universal law of attraction– and open to changing my persistent poverty thinking– that perhaps some cash will flow in; from real life people or from webbots, I really don’t care. A “green energy” cash flow would be nice, because I want to send my daughter to farming camp this summer and I also want to paint my house. Green.