I want more than anything to break through. Break through the fog that's clouded my country. The dark, gold dust-filtered smoke that chokes my loved
please for my birthday, mr. president
I'm asking for only one thing: please start acting like a winner. A good one. Good winners are fair to their opponents. Good winners are kind to
The Fake News Fake Out
If you are regularly shutting down political adversaries using the term "fake news," you may be falling into a trap. Or worse, you may be
This might take a while…
In the middle of another sleepless night, I decided to give up outrage. It's been flying around me from left and right, perhaps correctly, but it's
A Pledge of Human Decency
I'm not sure why I feel it is important to promote a pledge for human decency today. Maybe it is because I feel a little sick in my stomach, both
Red Face to Chance Grace
For the first time, I have experienced a random Trump supporter asking me how she could ameliorate election-based stress in her family. This came
Nine with strength, and hopefully, sanity
This is an idea for taking action this week. ARTICLE: 9 Senators Trump Must Watch Out For After I read the article above, I decided
Government is a service
make sure you are well-served
Free Women’s March Art
Graphics may be printed, shared and forwarded for personal or organizational use in any Women’s March or any other purpose that supports civil rights,
Farewell, Fair Man (and Family)
[first posted Dec 18, 2016] I campaigned for you, Obama, and am proud I did so. Since the time you became our president, our family has done
Post-truth: a convenient lie
[originally posted 12/6/2016] In case you haven't already heard, here I present to you the Oxford Dictionary's 2016 word of the year: post-truth. This
Self Care Salvation
[first posted on Nov 10, 2016] I have been feeling shocked. But I will not stay there. When you are in shock, for real, you need stuff to survive. You
Printable Poster Art for Women’s March
CURRENT ART & LINKS NOW ON THIS POST Below is free art to print or share for any women's march. Also check out: Washington Women's March Public
Do you really? (Wake up Please)
[Special note: I still have not spoken with some of the people I know who voted for Trump. I can't look at them, so this is my rant to/for them. I
This day
I'd love to write something meaningful today, but I'm just relieved not to feel the monkey-gong of emotion hit when I think about PEOTUS. Do you know
During a rough patch in my life, I had a life-changing experience that I was the last person in the world to get "It." "It" was an understanding that
When you can’t say it in words
... say it in art.
The conversation
This morning my daughter lied to me. Not about anything big, or even particularly important, but the lie was said, then backed up by demonstrations to
Oppression is a tool of management, Inspiration a tool of Leadership
This is a distinction that hopefully illustrates why so many Americans are upset. We need to hear from the good winners: Who are you and what are
Democracy cannot be managed, it must be led
Mr. Trump, You know how to accomplish things, and you can deal and influence in an unbelievable way. After all, you are a private man, who managed
with all the ____ in my heart
Today, after praying for a solution to heal the hatred, fear and distrust that is flailing about — and failing—this country, I experienced an amazing
New words for the end
Dear Mr. Trump, I know it is not yet the election, but it is time for me, and you, and your GOP comrades, to stop the showmanship, drama, suspense
Make American Great by Making it Good
There is something adults are supposed to do best. We are supposed to take responsibility for ourselves and others, and make well-thought decisions to